Thursday, November 17, 2011

Your Madame Guyon favorite quote?

I was curious whether you have a favorite quote from Madame Guyon.  My favorite quote is this one.  In her Autobiography, Jeanne Guyon wrote, “I loved Him and I burnt with love, because I loved Him.  I loved Him in such a way that I could only love Him; but in loving Him I had no motive but himself.”
She had such an unusual way of writing--it captures both the love and the power of the Spirit.
Do you have a favorite one?  please post it and let us know!

1. Guyon, Jeanne. Autobiography, Vol. 2. Translated Thomas Taylor WAllen. London: Kegan, Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., 1897, pg. 96.

1 comment:

  1. My favorite quote, although it is hard to choose just one as a favorite given her prolific writings, has to be this one:

    "Rest assured, it is the same God who causes the scarcity and the abundance, the rain and the fair weather. The high and low states, the peaceful and the state of warfare, are each good in their season. These vicissitudes form and mature the interior, as the different seasons compose the year...God loves you; let this thought equalise all states. Let him do with us as with the waves of the sea, and whether he takes us to his bosom, or casts us upon the sand, that is, leaves us to our own barrenness, all is well."
